The pillars of Islam and The pillars of faith.
5 Pillars of Islam and 6 Tenets well as explanationSaturday, July 12, 2014hallo my friend, 5 Pillars of Islam and the 6 Pillars of Faith is one of the important pillars of the Islamic religion to be possessed and practiced as a Muslim, deifying we would build a house if its foundations are less automatically when an earthquake will collapse, so does our personality if not reinforced by pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam in the event of shocks or the trials life will surely shake.
ISLAM RUKUN ADA 5 IE:1. Giving two syahadah sentence.This creed has meaning utter by the tongue, confirmed by the liver and then put it into practice through deeds. As for those who say it verbally but did not know the meaning and do not practice then there is no benefit at all to the creed.2. Establish prayer.
Salah is a very great worship position andSalah got the attention and top priority in Islam.The primacy of prayer and its position among other riteshas been described in Islam. It is a means of liaison betweena servant of the Lord. He is also an illustration of obediencea servant will all God's instructions.3. accomplishing charityZakat is an obligation to set aside the typecertain assets to be distributed to a group of peopleparticular at certain times.
4. Fasting in Ramadan.Fasting is a worship of God and carry out His commands. A servant leaving syahwatnya, eating and drinking for the sake of Allah. It was among the largest facilities achieve taqwa to Allah Ta'ala.5. The fact that Hajj in Mecca for those who can afford.Hajj is a form of worship to Allah Ta'ala with soul, body and possessions.
1. Faith in God
A person does not believe in Allah said to him believe four things: Believing God's existence. Rububiah faith in God, that nothing is created, controlled, and set the universe except God. Uluhiah faith in God, that there are no gods worthy of worship but Allah and deny all gods besides Allah Ta'ala. Believing all the names and attributes of Allah (al-Asma'ul Husna) that God has set for Himself and His Prophet assign to Allah, and avoid attitudes eliminating significance, meaning turn, questioned, and menyerupakanNya.
2. Faith in the Angels of God
Believe in the existence, every practice and task God has given them.
3. Faith in the Books of Allah
Believing that the whole book of God is His words and not creation. because Kalam (speech) is the nature of God and the nature of God is not a creature. Muslims must believe that the Qur'an is the legal removal of all the scriptures that down before.
4. Faith in the Messengers of Allah
Believing that any of the men from among the people who God Almighty choose as an intermediary between himself with the creatures. But they all still a human being who did not have the properties and rights of divinity, therefore worship the prophets and apostles are real sleaze. Must believe that all revelation to the prophet and apostles is true and comes from Allah Ta'ala. Also obliged to recognize each prophet and apostles we know his name and we do not know his name.
5. Faith in the Last Day
Believing all that happens in nature barzakh (between the world and the hereafter) maliciously grave (tomb favors or punishment of the grave). Believe in the signs of the Hour. Believe in the resurrection of the field mahsyar to end up in Heaven or Hell.
6. Faith in the Qada and Qadar, which is good and bad fate
Faith events both good and bad, all of it comes from Allah Ta'ala. Because all beings without exception, substances and their properties nor their actions is God's creation.That is the explanation of the five Pillars of Islam and the six pillars of faith may be useful.
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