Sunday, 24 May 2015

Adab Sleep in Islam and It's bnefits

Adab Sleep in Islam and It's benefits 

 • Do not sleep too late after evening prayers except in emergencies like to repeat (muroja'ah) science or their accompanying guests or family, as narrated by Abu Barzah radi 'anhu
"That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi allaihi hate sleep the night before (evening prayers) and talk (which is not useful) after" [Al-Bukhari Hadith History No. 568 and Muslim No. 647 (235)]
• Should've slept in a state of ablution, as the hadith:
"If you want to go to the couch (sleep), then let ablution beforehand as wudhumu to perform their prayers" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim No. 247 No. 2710)
• It should prioritize horizontal to the right side (right side as a pedestal) and a cushion with the right hand, not why if after changing position on the left side (left side as the pedestal). It is based on the words of the Prophet:

  "Lie on your right side" (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 247 and Muslim no. 2710)
"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when sleeping lay his right hand under his right cheek" (HR. Abu Dawud no. 5045, No. 3395 At Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibbaan No. 3877 No. 2350)
• Do not justified stomach with abdominal position as well as tumpuannya night's sleep or a nap.
"Surely (prone sleep position) it is a sleeping position wrath of Allah Azza Wa Jalla" (HR. Abu Dawud with a sanad which shohih)
• Reading the verses of the Qur'an, among others:1. Read the paragraph chair2. Read the last two paragraphs of the letter Al-Baqoroh3. The two palms pressed and blown and recited surat Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and An-Naas then with two hands rubbing two body parts that can be reached with him at the start of the head, face, and body front, it is repeated 3 times (HR. Al-Bukhari in Fath Bari XI / 277 No. 4439, 5016 (cet. Daar Abi Hayan) Muslim No. 2192, No. 3902 Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi)
• It should put an end to the various prayers sleeping with the following prayer:
"Bismikarabbii wa wa dho'tu jambii bika arfa'uhu in amsakta nafsii farhamhaa wa in arsaltahaa fahfazhhaa bimaa tahfazha bihi 'ibaadakasshaalihiin"
"With Thy Name, O my Lord, I put my stomach. And with your name anyway I woke thereof. If you hold my spirit (dead), grant him mercy. But if you let go, the guard, as you maintain your servants the righteous "(HR. Al-Bukhari No. 6320, Muslim No. 2714, No. 5050 Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi No. 3401)
• disunnahkan if about to turn over (from one side to the other) when sleep a night for a prayer:
"Laa ilaha illallahu waahidulqahhaaru rabbussamaawaati wal ardhi baynahumaa wa maa 'aziizulghaffaru"
"No one has the right diibadahi Illah except the Almighty Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the heavens and the earth master and what is between them, the Most Noble, the Forgiving." (HR. Al-Hakim I / 540 agreed and dishohihkan by Imam adh-Dhahabi)
• When anxious, worried, scared when sleeping at night or feel lonely then it is advisable for him to pray as follows:
"Audhu bikalimaatillahi attammati min ghadhabihi wa 'iqaabihi wa syarri' ibaadihi wa wa min hamazaatisysyayaathiin ayyahdhuruun."
"I seek refuge with Allah sentences were perfect from his anger, his torment, from the evil of His servants, from the temptations of the devil and of their coming to me" (HR. No. 3893 Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi No. . 3528 and others)
• Wear eye shadow when going to sleep, based on the hadith of Ibn Umar:
"Behold Rasululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam always wear kohl eyeliner with stones every night before he went to bed at night, he sholallahu' alaihi respectfully wear kohl in his eyes as much as three times the scratch" (HR. Ibn Majah No. 3497)
• Should flick bed (clean bed of dirt) when going to bed. It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:
"If one of you will sleep, let take a piece of cloth and shook the bed with a cloth while saying 'Bismillah', because he does not know what happened after his death was" (HR. Al Bukhari No. 6320, Muslim No. 2714 , At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud No. 3401 No. 5050)
• If you wake up should read prayers before standing on a bed, namely:
"Alhamdulillahilladzii ahyaanaa ba'damaa amaatanaa wa ilayhinnusyuur"
"Praise be to Allah who has turned us after him put to sleep and to Him we are raised" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim No. 6312 No. 2711)
• It should cleanse the heart of any envy that (possible) on his fellow Muslims and cleanse the chest of his anger at other humans.
• Should always menghisab (evaluate) yourself and see (contemplate) returned the deeds and words ever uttered.
• It should immediately repent of all sins committed and ask forgiveness to Allah from every sin committed on that day.
• Upon waking, sleeping disunnahkan former rubbed on the face and hands
"Thus arose the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam of her then sat wiping his face with his hands." [HR. Muslim No. 763 (182)]
• cleansing his teeth.
"When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam night waking clean his mouth with cleansing his teeth." (HR. Al Bukhari No. 245 and No. 255 Muslim)
• Beristinsyaq and beristintsaar (inhaling and then remove or sprayed water from the nose).
"If one of you wake up from sleep, then beristintsaarlah three times as sesunggguhnya devil overnight in the nasal cavity" (HR. Bukhari No. 3295 and Muslim # 238)
• Wash hands three times, based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:
"If one of you wake up, let him not put his hand into the vessel, before he washed it three times" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim No. 162 278)
• Boys and girls should be separated bed after the age of 6 years. (HR. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi)
• Not allowed to sleep just by wearing a blanket, without wearing any clothes. (HR. Muslim)
• If nightmares, do not ever tell anyone then spit to the left three times (narrated by Muslim IV / 1772), and seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan and temptation of evil dreams seen. (That was done three times) (narrated by Muslim IV / 1772-1773). Should switch his position from the previous side. (Narrated by Muslim IV / 1773). Or get up and pray if you want. (Narrated by Muslim IV / 1773).
• It is forbidden for men to sleep both (as well as women) in a blanket. (HR. Muslim)


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