Table Manners in Islam
Prophet Muhammad is the role model people in various aspects of life. In terms of health, his teachings have been widely demonstrated by modern research of the truth of its great benefits. One of his teachings is adab-adab meal that brings health and blessing for all time.Among adab-adab eat the Prophet Muhammad taught are:1. Do not denounce the food is not preferred.Abu Hurairah. said: "The Prophet Muhammad never the slightest reproach food. When he was tasteful, he ate it. And if he does not like it, so he left it. "(HR. Bukhari Muslim)Jabir ra. that the Prophet once said to his family (his wife) about the side dishes. They said: "We just got vinegar". Then he asked him and eat with him, as he said: "The best of the side
dishes are vinegar (al-khall), the best of the side dishes are
(containing) vinegar." (HR. Muslim)Research Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan in his book 'The True Power of Water' finds that the element of water turned out to be alive. Water is able to respond to the stimulus of the human form of oral and written. When
the sentence is pronounced good or pasted text with a positive
sentence, then the water will form a beautiful crystal structure and can
have the power to heal various diseases. Conversely, if the sentence is pronounced or affixed aspersion,
censure or other negative sentence, then the water will form a crystal
structure that is ugly and can negatively affect health.2. Wash your hands before and after meals.Rasulullah SAW said: "Those who fell asleep on his hands there was a
used lard / fat (because it is not washed) and when morning he suffered
from a disease, then let him not to blame but himself."3. Reading Basmalah and hamdalah.Rasulullah SAW said: "If one of you want to eat, then celebrate the name of Allah. And if he forgot his name at first, then read, 'Bismillahi awwalahu
akhirahu wa' (In the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end).
"(HR. Abu Dawud)In
another narration, it is mentioned that when the Prophet Muhammad a
smile, he explains when a Muslim does not read Basmalah before eating,
then the devil will come eat with him. However, when the Muslims remember and mention the name of Allah, the
devil was immediately regurgitate food that has been eaten.Prophet also said: "Verily Allah be pleased with a servant who when eating a meal and then he uttered Alhamdulillah. And when he drank a drink so he will say Alhamdulillah. "(HR. Muslim, Ahmad and Tirmidhi)4. Eat right hand.Abdullah ibn Umar. said
that the Prophet SAW said: "If one among you eat, let him eat with his
right hand, and if he drank then let drink with his right hand. Because Satan was eating and drinking with his left hand. "(HR. Muslim)Second hand man issued three kinds of enzymes, but the concentration in the hands of the right more than the left hand. Enzymes are very helpful in the process of digestion.5. Do not lean when eating.Rasulullah SAW said: "I do not eat with the leaning position (muttaki's)." (HR. Bukhari)"Muttaki's"
nothing to interpret sitting cross-legged and some are interpreting
lean on something, whether it's leaning on one hand or leaning on a
pillow. There also interpret leaning on the side of the body.Prophet if you eat, not eat to use the cushion as a pillow to sit as people who want to eat a lot of food with a varied menu. Prophet makes eating as worship to God. Hence he sat barefoot and take the food to taste.6. Eating food that is closest first.Umar bin Abi Salamah ra. recalled: "When I was young, I never was in the room of the Prophet Muhammad and hands often ruffled plates. Rasulullah SAW said to me, 'Son, read Bismillah, eat with your right hand and eat from the nearest good food. "(HR. Bukhari)7. Eat when hungry and stop before full.From Mikdam bin Ma'dikarib ra. stated heard Rasulullah SAW said: "There is no child of Adam meets a place worse than his stomach. Suffice it to the children of Adam a few mouthfuls that can enforce his spine. If there is no other way, then the third (from the stomach) for his
food, one-third for drink and one third for breathing. "(HR. Tirmidhi
and Hakim)8. A lick the hand when eaten without a spoon or fork.From Abu Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said: "If one among you eat, then let him lick
his fingers, for he does not know from where the emergence of blessing
fingers." (HR. Muslim)In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim Similarly, Ka'b bin Malik. testified that he never saw the Prophet ate using three fingers and lick him finish eating.Modern medical discoveries have shown that when we eat with the
fingers and licking a finger to clean it, then the finger secrete an
enzyme which is helpful for the smooth digestion.9. Throw away the dirt from falling food and ate it.From Anas bin Malik. said
that the Prophet often eaten with third licking fingers (thumb, index
and middle fingers), as he said: "If there is food you drop, then
dispose of feces and let him eat it and not leave it to the devil." And
he also commanded us to licking the plate as he said: "Surely you do not know the food where the blessing of it." (HR. Muslim)Islam forbids things redundant, including in terms of food. Often we witness people who take excessive food that is not eaten. Food was redundant was finally left to the devil, but could be the fact that there is a blessing on the food. Therefore, when taking food should be based on the calculation that the food will be consumed.10. Eating and drinking while sitting.Prophet Muhammad once prohibited a man drinking while standing. Qatada said: "What about eating?" Rasul replied: "That's even worse." (HR. Muslim)11. Do not breathe when drink and keep the mouth of a drink when breathing.Of Abu Al-Mutsni Al-Jahni ra said, I never was in the house of Marwan bin Hakam, suddenly came to Abu Sa'id ra. Marwan said to him: "Have you ever heard the Prophet forbade breathing in a drink?". Abu Sa'id said: "Yes. There
was someone once said to the Prophet, "I'm not satisfied with just one
breath of air." Then the Prophet SAW said, "Take away the place of water
(glass) from your mouth, and breathe!" The man said, "Behold, I see no
shit at the drinking place ". Then the Prophet said, "Then, tumpahkanlah! (HR. Abu Dawud)And also from Ibn Abbas. said: "The Prophet has forbidden to breathe the air in the glass (when drinking) and blow in it." (HR. Tirmidhi)Prophet Muhammad forbade breathing when drinking. If
the drink and breathe, our bodies emit CO2 (carbon dioxide), when mixed
with H2O (Water) can be H2CO3 (vinegar) causing the beverage becomes
acidic (acid). This can happen also when blowing hot. Food and hot drinks should not be cooled by blowing, but quite dikipas.12. Not prejudiced if accompanied by a person eating diseased.Jabir ra. that the Prophet Muhammad had held the hands of people who majdzum
(leprosy), he put his hand on a dinner plate as he said: "Eat, rest
assured and put your trust in Allah." (HR. Abu Dawud)13. Do not sit at a table that served forbidden foods.Jabir ra. that the Prophet once said: "He who believes in Allah and the Last
Day, then he should not be sitting at her dining table circulated khamr
drinks." (HR. Imam Tirmidhi)14. mendo'akan inviting dining.From Anas bin Malik. that the Prophet Muhammad had come to Sa'ad bin Ubadah ra. which serves bread and butter. Prophet ate it, then he said: "It has been breaking in your side the people who fasted. Hidanganmu have been eaten by the righteous people (good) and the angels pray for the good of you. "(HR. Ahmad and Abu Dawood)15. Closing of places to eat and drink.Jabir ra. that the Prophet once said: "Close the place where food and drinks!" (HR. Bukhari Muslim)Closes
places to eat and drink is very useful to prevent food from air
pollution, dirt or harmful substances that can get into the food or
drink that is not close.
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