Saturday, 30 May 2015

Inspiring story The Blind Children Memorize the Quran

 Inspiring story The blind Children Memorize the Qur'an

Able to memorize the Qur'an well is a gift of God that is truly priceless, and certainly not everyone in the world are given the gift of this kind. Memorizing the Qur'an It is not easy, not difficult and can be done by anyone, regardless of age and any profession, not a factor or reason that makes memorize the Koran it becomes difficult. Toddlers, children, adolescents and parents can all memorize the Koran. To the extent that a blind or can not see can do. This is what happened to a blind boy who came to Egypt this.Here's the story of a blind child inspirational Hafiz Al-Quran called Mu'adh. He is a child born out of luck like any other normal human being. This child was born in a condition can not see (blind). As the blind, he could not do much, limited by the inability to see. However, although there are unique blind in these children, it turns out Mu'adh have successfully memorized the Qur'an complete 30 chapters. From the beginning he did it (memorizing) with patience, and driven by high motivation. Until the age of 11 years he managed menghatamkan recitation of the Qur'an. Something that not everyone can do it, by normal humans though.Inspiring story of a blind child who Hafiz Al-QuranReaders, perhaps those of us who have been given favor by God's vision considers the eyes are the windows to the world. Without it, life was not complete and perfect. Just imagine, if earlier we can see (normal vision turns out ultimately doomed na'udzubillah blind, what happens? We certainly grieve and suffer because they can not see anymore. However, for Mu'adh he had never been sad even complained to the top This natural pain. Indeed, he was grateful to God for the fate and condition right now. That's his show to memorize the Qur'an.Physical limitations do not make unobstructed to memorize the Qur'an. The child considers that this takdirinya (blind) becomes a way for him to be able to memorize the Qur'an.In a vidoe recording TV show hosted by an imam of the mosque, the Sheikh Fahd Al-Kandari, was interviewed Mu'adh. Asked how he could memorize the Koran in this condition. His passion for memorizing the verses of God's glorious light made her steps to go to the teacher. And there was a dialogue between the sheikh of Al-Kandari and Mu'adh."I'm coming to a sheikh," said Mu'adh."How many times a week?" Asked the sheikh."Three days a week," he said."In the beginning only one day in a week. Then I urged him (Shaykh) with very order to add the next, so that it becomes two days a week. Shaykh I was very strict in teaching. He taught only one verse every day, "sambungya. "One verse alone?" Said he was shocked, amazed by the spirit of this child steel.In the three days that he was dedicated to learning the holy verses of the Qur'an, there is no time out to play with peers. The TV announcer smiled and patted the boy's thigh amazed sign, greeted by a cheery smile of this child. The more admirable in that dialog is Mu'adh statement about blindness. He did not pray to God that God will restore his sight, but the grace of Allah that he expected. Read also: Tips Memorizing the Koran From Hafiz Twins 3. "In prayer, I do not ask God to Allah restore my vision," the boy said.Answer This makes the sheikh's son getting shocked. "You do not want God to restore your eyesight? Why? "He asked astonished, as if not sure. With a reassuring face, the boy explained the reason. Not that he did not believe in God, not. But he wanted more than just a beautiful sight."May be a salvation for me on the Day of Judgment (Judgment), so that God relieve the calculation (computation) on that day. Later when they stand before, fear and trembling, God favors inquire about vision and he will ask "what have you done in this Qur'an?" I just pray that God relieve his calculations for me on the last day later, "he said firmly. See also: How to Strengthen Memory Of Ta'lim Al- Kitab Muta'allim.Of course, after hearing the sentence the child noble, all that is in the studio when it was silent. TV broadcasters seem glazed, unstoppable finally the tears also. The audience at TV stations and the TV crew also could not bear finally tears."At this moment, I am reminded of many of the Muslims who are able to see but lazing in memorizing the book of Allah, Al-Quran. O God, how they reason tomorrow (before you)? "Said Sheikh Fahd Al-Kanderi. "Praise be to God in all circumstances," said Al-Quran penghafal young. Subhanallah, he never forgot his rabb. The child also said that he was inspired from the rule of Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah rahimahullah."Rule imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah who say" God does not close upon His servants the door with wisdom, but God will open the door with him two of his mercy, '"he said.Loss of vision since childhood, did not make it to complain to the Creator. He did not envy in others much less kufr favors. Ikhlash receive takdirNya. "Thank God, I do not envy his friends since childhood even though I could not see. These are all making up 'and Qadr Allah, "he said. See also: Prayers For Strong Memory."We pray to God may make us as people of Paradise of Al-Firdaus highest," said the boy who memorized the Koran. Blind eyes, does not make him blind in grateful that God has given. Subhanallah ...In a Qudsi hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi respectfully said: God said, "If I test my servant by removing both eyes and his vision to be patient, surely I will replace her eyes with a vision of heaven." (HR. Bukhari no. 5653, Tirmidhi no. 2932, Ahmad no. 7597, Ad-Darimi no.2795 and Ibn Hibbaan no. 2932).That's inspiring story of blind children Hafiz Al-Quran, a strong willingness to be able to memorize the Koran as if made him forget that he is a child who is blind. He considers his physical limitations have not become a barrier for him to be able to achieve its goal of being a Hafiz or penghafal Koran. He is fully aware that whatever is given by God in this world in the Hereafter will be held accountable. Then he never wasted time at all, she always enjoyed her days reading the Koran until he behasil memorize it. See also: Easy Ways Memorizing the Quran.Inspiring story of a blind child who Hafiz Al-Quran above is one proof that the Koran was easy, and the Koran is easy to memorize, easy for anyone, not least by us. That is, whoever we basically only memorize the Koran.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Problema haid in girl muslim

Larangan Bagi Wanita yang Haid 

Wanita yang haid itu tidak melakukan 10 perkara yaitu : 
  1. Sholat
  2. tawaf 
  3. menyentuh mushaf / Al-Qur'an 
  4.membawa mushaf / Al-Qur'an
  5. berdiam di masjid
  6. membaca Al-Qur'an 
  7. Puasa 
  8. talak (cerai)
  9. lewat di dalam masjid apabila kuatir mengotori masjid  
10.  menikmati bagian tubuh antara puasa dan lutut 
Prohibition for women who menstruate
 The woman who menstruation is not doing 10 cases, namely:
   1. Prayer
   2. tawaf
   3. touched Manuscripts / Al-Quran
   4.membawa Manuscripts / Al-Quran
   5. dwells in moquse
   6. read Al-Quran
   7. Fasting
   8. divorce (divorce)
   9. pass inside the mosque when the worry fouled mosque
10. enjoy the part of the body between fasting and knees

للمرأة التي حظر الطمث

المرأة التي الحيض لا تفعل 10 حالات، وهي:
   1. الصلاة
   2. الطواف
   3. تطرق مخطوطات / آل القرآن
   4. مخطوطات حمل / آل القرآن
   5. يسكن في المساجد
   6. قراءة سورة القرآن
  7. الصوم
   8. الطلاق (الطلاق)
   9. تمريرة داخل المسجد والقلق عرقلة مسجد
10. الاستمتاع جزء من الجسم بين الصيام والركبتين

  Regl kadınlar için yasak
 Menstruasyon yani 10 olgu yapmıyor kadın:
   1. Namaz
   2. Tavaf
   3. Elyazmaları / Al-ı Kerim dokundu
   4.membawa Yazılar / Al-ı Kerim
   Camilerde 5. bekleme
   6. Al-Kur'an okumak
   7. Oruç
   8. Talak (boşanma)
   Endişe cami faul caminin içinde 9. geçiş
10. oruç ve dizler arasında vücudun parçası zevk

The pillars of Islam and The pillars of faith

The pillars of Islam and The pillars of faith.

 5 Pillars of Islam and 6 Tenets well as explanationSaturday, July 12, 2014hallo my friend, 5 Pillars of Islam and the 6 Pillars of Faith is one of the important pillars of the Islamic religion to be possessed and practiced as a Muslim, deifying we would build a house if its foundations are less automatically when an earthquake will collapse, so does our personality if not reinforced by pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam in the event of shocks or the trials life will surely shake.
ISLAM RUKUN ADA 5 IE:1. Giving two syahadah sentence.This creed has meaning utter by the tongue, confirmed by the liver and then put it into practice through deeds. As for those who say it verbally but did not know the meaning and do not practice then there is no benefit at all to the creed.2. Establish prayer.
Salah is a very great worship position andSalah got the attention and top priority in Islam.The primacy of prayer and its position among other riteshas been described in Islam. It is a means of liaison betweena servant of the Lord. He is also an illustration of obediencea servant will all God's instructions.3. accomplishing charityZakat is an obligation to set aside the typecertain assets to be distributed to a group of peopleparticular at certain times.
4. Fasting in Ramadan.Fasting is a worship of God and carry out His commands. A servant leaving syahwatnya, eating and drinking for the sake of Allah. It was among the largest facilities achieve taqwa to Allah Ta'ala.5. The fact that Hajj in Mecca for those who can afford.Hajj is a form of worship to Allah Ta'ala with soul, body and possessions.

1. Faith in God

A person does not believe in Allah said to him believe four things: Believing God's existence. Rububiah faith in God, that nothing is created, controlled, and set the universe except God. Uluhiah faith in God, that there are no gods worthy of worship but Allah and deny all gods besides Allah Ta'ala. Believing all the names and attributes of Allah (al-Asma'ul Husna) that God has set for Himself and His Prophet assign to Allah, and avoid attitudes eliminating significance, meaning turn, questioned, and menyerupakanNya.

2. Faith in the Angels of God

Believe in the existence, every practice and task God has given them.

3. Faith in the Books of Allah

Believing that the whole book of God is His words and not creation. because Kalam (speech) is the nature of God and the nature of God is not a creature. Muslims must believe that the Qur'an is the legal removal of all the scriptures that down before.

4. Faith in the Messengers of Allah

Believing that any of the men from among the people who God Almighty choose as an intermediary between himself with the creatures. But they all still a human being who did not have the properties and rights of divinity, therefore worship the prophets and apostles are real sleaze. Must believe that all revelation to the prophet and apostles is true and comes from Allah Ta'ala. Also obliged to recognize each prophet and apostles we know his name and we do not know his name.

5. Faith in the Last Day

Believing all that happens in nature barzakh (between the world and the hereafter) maliciously grave (tomb favors or punishment of the grave). Believe in the signs of the Hour. Believe in the resurrection of the field mahsyar to end up in Heaven or Hell.

6. Faith in the Qada and Qadar, which is good and bad fate

Faith events both good and bad, all of it comes from Allah Ta'ala. Because all beings without exception, substances and their properties nor their actions is God's creation.That is the explanation of the five Pillars of Islam and the six pillars of faith may be useful.

Adab Sleep in Islam and It's bnefits

Adab Sleep in Islam and It's benefits 

 • Do not sleep too late after evening prayers except in emergencies like to repeat (muroja'ah) science or their accompanying guests or family, as narrated by Abu Barzah radi 'anhu
"That the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi allaihi hate sleep the night before (evening prayers) and talk (which is not useful) after" [Al-Bukhari Hadith History No. 568 and Muslim No. 647 (235)]
• Should've slept in a state of ablution, as the hadith:
"If you want to go to the couch (sleep), then let ablution beforehand as wudhumu to perform their prayers" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim No. 247 No. 2710)
• It should prioritize horizontal to the right side (right side as a pedestal) and a cushion with the right hand, not why if after changing position on the left side (left side as the pedestal). It is based on the words of the Prophet:

  "Lie on your right side" (HR. Al-Bukhari no. 247 and Muslim no. 2710)
"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam when sleeping lay his right hand under his right cheek" (HR. Abu Dawud no. 5045, No. 3395 At Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibbaan No. 3877 No. 2350)
• Do not justified stomach with abdominal position as well as tumpuannya night's sleep or a nap.
"Surely (prone sleep position) it is a sleeping position wrath of Allah Azza Wa Jalla" (HR. Abu Dawud with a sanad which shohih)
• Reading the verses of the Qur'an, among others:1. Read the paragraph chair2. Read the last two paragraphs of the letter Al-Baqoroh3. The two palms pressed and blown and recited surat Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and An-Naas then with two hands rubbing two body parts that can be reached with him at the start of the head, face, and body front, it is repeated 3 times (HR. Al-Bukhari in Fath Bari XI / 277 No. 4439, 5016 (cet. Daar Abi Hayan) Muslim No. 2192, No. 3902 Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi)
• It should put an end to the various prayers sleeping with the following prayer:
"Bismikarabbii wa wa dho'tu jambii bika arfa'uhu in amsakta nafsii farhamhaa wa in arsaltahaa fahfazhhaa bimaa tahfazha bihi 'ibaadakasshaalihiin"
"With Thy Name, O my Lord, I put my stomach. And with your name anyway I woke thereof. If you hold my spirit (dead), grant him mercy. But if you let go, the guard, as you maintain your servants the righteous "(HR. Al-Bukhari No. 6320, Muslim No. 2714, No. 5050 Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi No. 3401)
• disunnahkan if about to turn over (from one side to the other) when sleep a night for a prayer:
"Laa ilaha illallahu waahidulqahhaaru rabbussamaawaati wal ardhi baynahumaa wa maa 'aziizulghaffaru"
"No one has the right diibadahi Illah except the Almighty Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the heavens and the earth master and what is between them, the Most Noble, the Forgiving." (HR. Al-Hakim I / 540 agreed and dishohihkan by Imam adh-Dhahabi)
• When anxious, worried, scared when sleeping at night or feel lonely then it is advisable for him to pray as follows:
"Audhu bikalimaatillahi attammati min ghadhabihi wa 'iqaabihi wa syarri' ibaadihi wa wa min hamazaatisysyayaathiin ayyahdhuruun."
"I seek refuge with Allah sentences were perfect from his anger, his torment, from the evil of His servants, from the temptations of the devil and of their coming to me" (HR. No. 3893 Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi No. . 3528 and others)
• Wear eye shadow when going to sleep, based on the hadith of Ibn Umar:
"Behold Rasululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam always wear kohl eyeliner with stones every night before he went to bed at night, he sholallahu' alaihi respectfully wear kohl in his eyes as much as three times the scratch" (HR. Ibn Majah No. 3497)
• Should flick bed (clean bed of dirt) when going to bed. It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:
"If one of you will sleep, let take a piece of cloth and shook the bed with a cloth while saying 'Bismillah', because he does not know what happened after his death was" (HR. Al Bukhari No. 6320, Muslim No. 2714 , At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud No. 3401 No. 5050)
• If you wake up should read prayers before standing on a bed, namely:
"Alhamdulillahilladzii ahyaanaa ba'damaa amaatanaa wa ilayhinnusyuur"
"Praise be to Allah who has turned us after him put to sleep and to Him we are raised" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim No. 6312 No. 2711)
• It should cleanse the heart of any envy that (possible) on his fellow Muslims and cleanse the chest of his anger at other humans.
• Should always menghisab (evaluate) yourself and see (contemplate) returned the deeds and words ever uttered.
• It should immediately repent of all sins committed and ask forgiveness to Allah from every sin committed on that day.
• Upon waking, sleeping disunnahkan former rubbed on the face and hands
"Thus arose the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam of her then sat wiping his face with his hands." [HR. Muslim No. 763 (182)]
• cleansing his teeth.
"When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam night waking clean his mouth with cleansing his teeth." (HR. Al Bukhari No. 245 and No. 255 Muslim)
• Beristinsyaq and beristintsaar (inhaling and then remove or sprayed water from the nose).
"If one of you wake up from sleep, then beristintsaarlah three times as sesunggguhnya devil overnight in the nasal cavity" (HR. Bukhari No. 3295 and Muslim # 238)
• Wash hands three times, based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:
"If one of you wake up, let him not put his hand into the vessel, before he washed it three times" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim No. 162 278)
• Boys and girls should be separated bed after the age of 6 years. (HR. Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi)
• Not allowed to sleep just by wearing a blanket, without wearing any clothes. (HR. Muslim)
• If nightmares, do not ever tell anyone then spit to the left three times (narrated by Muslim IV / 1772), and seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan and temptation of evil dreams seen. (That was done three times) (narrated by Muslim IV / 1772-1773). Should switch his position from the previous side. (Narrated by Muslim IV / 1773). Or get up and pray if you want. (Narrated by Muslim IV / 1773).
• It is forbidden for men to sleep both (as well as women) in a blanket. (HR. Muslim)


TK - S.3

TK     : Recitation Consistent  
TK     : Tilawah Konsisten

SD      : Duha Prayer 
SD      : Sholat Dhuha 

SMP    : Evening Prayer maintain 
SMP    : Sholat Malam Pertahankan 

SMA   : Always memorizing Al-Qur'an 
SMA   : Senantiasa menghafal Al-Qur'an
S.1    : Prayers (Obligatory-Sunna) 
S.1    : Sholat (Wajib-Sunah) 

S.2    : Prayer (Sunnah) / Fast sunna
S.2    : Sholat (Sunah) / Puasa Sunah
S.3    : Sodaqoh Sincerely Every Day
S.3    : Sodaqoh Seikhlasnya Setiap hari

Table Manners in Islam

Table Manners in Islam

Prophet Muhammad is the role model people in various aspects of life. In terms of health, his teachings have been widely demonstrated by modern research of the truth of its great benefits. One of his teachings is adab-adab meal that brings health and blessing for all time.Among adab-adab eat the Prophet Muhammad taught are:1. Do not denounce the food is not preferred.Abu Hurairah. said: "The Prophet Muhammad never the slightest reproach food. When he was tasteful, he ate it. And if he does not like it, so he left it. "(HR. Bukhari Muslim)Jabir ra. that the Prophet once said to his family (his wife) about the side dishes. They said: "We just got vinegar". Then he asked him and eat with him, as he said: "The best of the side dishes are vinegar (al-khall), the best of the side dishes are (containing) vinegar." (HR. Muslim)Research Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan in his book 'The True Power of Water' finds that the element of water turned out to be alive. Water is able to respond to the stimulus of the human form of oral and written. When the sentence is pronounced good or pasted text with a positive sentence, then the water will form a beautiful crystal structure and can have the power to heal various diseases. Conversely, if the sentence is pronounced or affixed aspersion, censure or other negative sentence, then the water will form a crystal structure that is ugly and can negatively affect health.2. Wash your hands before and after meals.Rasulullah SAW said: "Those who fell asleep on his hands there was a used lard / fat (because it is not washed) and when morning he suffered from a disease, then let him not to blame but himself."3. Reading Basmalah and hamdalah.Rasulullah SAW said: "If one of you want to eat, then celebrate the name of Allah. And if he forgot his name at first, then read, 'Bismillahi awwalahu akhirahu wa' (In the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end). "(HR. Abu Dawud)In another narration, it is mentioned that when the Prophet Muhammad a smile, he explains when a Muslim does not read Basmalah before eating, then the devil will come eat with him. However, when the Muslims remember and mention the name of Allah, the devil was immediately regurgitate food that has been eaten.Prophet also said: "Verily Allah be pleased with a servant who when eating a meal and then he uttered Alhamdulillah. And when he drank a drink so he will say Alhamdulillah. "(HR. Muslim, Ahmad and Tirmidhi)4. Eat right hand.Abdullah ibn Umar. said that the Prophet SAW said: "If one among you eat, let him eat with his right hand, and if he drank then let drink with his right hand. Because Satan was eating and drinking with his left hand. "(HR. Muslim)Second hand man issued three kinds of enzymes, but the concentration in the hands of the right more than the left hand. Enzymes are very helpful in the process of digestion.5. Do not lean when eating.Rasulullah SAW said: "I do not eat with the leaning position (muttaki's)." (HR. Bukhari)"Muttaki's" nothing to interpret sitting cross-legged and some are interpreting lean on something, whether it's leaning on one hand or leaning on a pillow. There also interpret leaning on the side of the body.Prophet if you eat, not eat to use the cushion as a pillow to sit as people who want to eat a lot of food with a varied menu. Prophet makes eating as worship to God. Hence he sat barefoot and take the food to taste.6. Eating food that is closest first.Umar bin Abi Salamah ra. recalled: "When I was young, I never was in the room of the Prophet Muhammad and hands often ruffled plates. Rasulullah SAW said to me, 'Son, read Bismillah, eat with your right hand and eat from the nearest good food. "(HR. Bukhari)7. Eat when hungry and stop before full.From Mikdam bin Ma'dikarib ra. stated heard Rasulullah SAW said: "There is no child of Adam meets a place worse than his stomach. Suffice it to the children of Adam a few mouthfuls that can enforce his spine. If there is no other way, then the third (from the stomach) for his food, one-third for drink and one third for breathing. "(HR. Tirmidhi and Hakim)8. A lick the hand when eaten without a spoon or fork.From Abu Hurairah ra. that the Prophet SAW said: "If one among you eat, then let him lick his fingers, for he does not know from where the emergence of blessing fingers." (HR. Muslim)In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim Similarly, Ka'b bin Malik. testified that he never saw the Prophet ate using three fingers and lick him finish eating.Modern medical discoveries have shown that when we eat with the fingers and licking a finger to clean it, then the finger secrete an enzyme which is helpful for the smooth digestion.9. Throw away the dirt from falling food and ate it.From Anas bin Malik. said that the Prophet often eaten with third licking fingers (thumb, index and middle fingers), as he said: "If there is food you drop, then dispose of feces and let him eat it and not leave it to the devil." And he also commanded us to licking the plate as he said: "Surely you do not know the food where the blessing of it." (HR. Muslim)Islam forbids things redundant, including in terms of food. Often we witness people who take excessive food that is not eaten. Food was redundant was finally left to the devil, but could be the fact that there is a blessing on the food. Therefore, when taking food should be based on the calculation that the food will be consumed.10. Eating and drinking while sitting.Prophet Muhammad once prohibited a man drinking while standing. Qatada said: "What about eating?" Rasul replied: "That's even worse." (HR. Muslim)11. Do not breathe when drink and keep the mouth of a drink when breathing.Of Abu Al-Mutsni Al-Jahni ra said, I never was in the house of Marwan bin Hakam, suddenly came to Abu Sa'id ra. Marwan said to him: "Have you ever heard the Prophet forbade breathing in a drink?". Abu Sa'id said: "Yes. There was someone once said to the Prophet, "I'm not satisfied with just one breath of air." Then the Prophet SAW said, "Take away the place of water (glass) from your mouth, and breathe!" The man said, "Behold, I see no shit at the drinking place ". Then the Prophet said, "Then, tumpahkanlah! (HR. Abu Dawud)And also from Ibn Abbas. said: "The Prophet has forbidden to breathe the air in the glass (when drinking) and blow in it." (HR. Tirmidhi)Prophet Muhammad forbade breathing when drinking. If the drink and breathe, our bodies emit CO2 (carbon dioxide), when mixed with H2O (Water) can be H2CO3 (vinegar) causing the beverage becomes acidic (acid). This can happen also when blowing hot. Food and hot drinks should not be cooled by blowing, but quite dikipas.12. Not prejudiced if accompanied by a person eating diseased.Jabir ra. that the Prophet Muhammad had held the hands of people who majdzum (leprosy), he put his hand on a dinner plate as he said: "Eat, rest assured and put your trust in Allah." (HR. Abu Dawud)13. Do not sit at a table that served forbidden foods.Jabir ra. that the Prophet once said: "He who believes in Allah and the Last Day, then he should not be sitting at her dining table circulated khamr drinks." (HR. Imam Tirmidhi)14. mendo'akan inviting dining.From Anas bin Malik. that the Prophet Muhammad had come to Sa'ad bin Ubadah ra. which serves bread and butter. Prophet ate it, then he said: "It has been breaking in your side the people who fasted. Hidanganmu have been eaten by the righteous people (good) and the angels pray for the good of you. "(HR. Ahmad and Abu Dawood)15. Closing of places to eat and drink.Jabir ra. that the Prophet once said: "Close the place where food and drinks!" (HR. Bukhari Muslim)Closes places to eat and drink is very useful to prevent food from air pollution, dirt or harmful substances that can get into the food or drink that is not close.

Adab Eat and Drink

Adab Eat and Drink 

Muslim woman eat while walking, eating with the left hand, without praying, even leaving food, it seemed to have become a common sight on the campus canteens. How sad this heart to see it. When mild deeds that have been abandoned and ignored, how to practice a great reward ?? Or maybe because it is only a small worship and then we leave the grounds one small reward will we get? Not so ... The little sister when the routine is done, it will be a lot! Allah the Exalted says,يا أيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول ولا تبطلوا أعمالكم (33)"O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle, and do not destroy all your deeds." (QS. Muhammad 33)Suffice word of Allah Ta'ala into advice for us all to always try to obey the commands of Allah and His Messenger command, command either mandatory or recommendation (sunnah) and or an order to stay away from things that are forbidden. Currently we have encountered many a Muslim who underestimate practice sunnah, but excessive in the case permissible. Then consider the word of Allah Ta'ala,وما آتاكم الرسول فخذوه وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا واتقوا الله إن الله شديد العقاب"And what is given unto the Apostle then accept. And what he forbids you then leave. And bertaqwalah to God. Indeed, Allah is severe in punishment Him. "(Qur'an, al-Hayr: 7)And in between the commands and prohibitions Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is adab when eating and drinking.Adab when Eating and Drinking1. Eating food and beverage halal.Saudariku, we should choose foods that are kosher. Allah Almighty has ordered us to eat foods that are lawful and good. Allah Ta'ala has said,يا أيها الرسل كلوا من الطيبات واعملوا صالحا إني بما تعملون عليم"O apostles, eat well, and serve good deeds. Verily I Knower of what you do. "(Qur'an, Al-Mu`minun: 51)2. Putting eat than pray if the food has been served dihidangkan.Yang meant by that is already ready to eat. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "When dinner was served, and prayer has been established, then start with dinner and do not be hasty (all pray) until your food is finished." (Agreed alaih) faidahnya so that our hearts quiet and not think of food when praying. Therefore, the measuring point is the level of a person hungry. If someone is very hungry and the food has been served should he eat beforehand. However, should this not frequently done.3. Do not eat and drink by using containers made of gold and perak.Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "People who drink on a silver vessel in fact he rekindle the flames of hell in his stomach." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) In one one Muslim history is mentioned, "Those who eat or drink in vessels of silver and gold ..."4. Do not exaggerate and boros.Sesungguhnya exaggeration is among the vicious nature and hated Allah Ta'ala as mentioned in the QS. Al-Isra` verses 26-27 and Al-Araf verse 31. Excess-wasters is also a characteristic of unbelievers as words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "A believer meal with one hull, while the infidels eat with seven stomach. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim)5. Wash your hands before makan.Walaupun Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not cite it, but the Salaf (righteous previous generations) to do this. Hand washing is useful to maintain health and keep away from various diseases.6. Do not eat foods and drinks in a state still very hot or very cold because it is harmful tubuh.Mendinginkan decent food to eat will bring blessings based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Verily it can bring greater blessing. "(HR. Ahmad)7. guidance for people who eat but do not feel kenyang.Para companions radi 'anhum said, "O Messenger of Allah, we eat but do not actually feel full." The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam replied, "Perhaps you eat scatter (their own) . "They replied," Yes. "He then said," Gather you on your food, and celebrate the name of Allah, the food was blessed for you. "(HR. Abu Dawud)8. It is recommended complimented the food and banned mencelanya.Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never denounced any food at all. If he likes it, he ate it. And if he does not like him, so he left it. (HR. Muslim)9. Reading tasmiyah (Basmallah) before makan.Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If one of you eat, let him read' Bismillah '(with the name of Allah). If he forgot to read it before the meal then say 'Bismillaahi FII awwalihi aakhirihi wa' (with the name of Allah at the beginning and end of eat- -I) "(HR. Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi) Among avail Basmallah read at every meal is in order devil did not come to eat what we eat. Once when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was sitting with someone who is eating. The man was not the name of Allah until the food he ate was staying bite. When she lifted to her mouth, she said, 'Bismillaahi FII awwalihii aakhirihi wa'. So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said as he made laugh, "Still devil eat with him, but when he mentioned the name of Allah, the demon spewing all that is in the stomach." (HR. Abu Dawud and An-Nasa`i)10. Eating and drinking with his right hand and was banned by hand kiri.Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If one of you eat, eat with your right hand and drink with his right hand, because the real demons eating and drinking with his left hand. "(HR. Muslim) Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam evil pray for people who do not want to eat with his right hand. Someone eating in front of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam with his left hand, then he said, "Eat with your right hand." The man replied, "I can not." He said, "I hope you can not!" The man does not want to eat with the right hand only for pride. Finally she really could not raise his right hand to his mouth. (HR. Muslim)11. Eat ranging from food terdekat.Umar radhiyallahu'anhuma Ibn Abi Salamah said, "I once was a little boy who is in guidance (care) the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. My hands (if eaten) crawl all parts of the tray. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam rebuked me,' Oh boy read Bismillah, eat with your right hand, and eat from nearest to you. 'And so on how to eat me after that. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim) This hadith as well as reinforcement of both the previous table manners and explains how to counsel children adab-adab eat. Look at that advice the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa salam very obeyed by Umar ibn Abi Salamah in his words, "... and so on how to eat me after that."12. Picking foods that fall, clean it, then this memakannya.Hal by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "If one of you eat and the food falls, then let him pick it up and dispose of feces and then eat it. Do not let the food he was to the devil. "(HR. At-Tirmidhi) Really how noble this religion, to the extent that a mouthful of rice that fell was highly recommended to be eaten. This is a form of gratitude for the food that God Almighty give and shape our concern for the poor.13. Eating with three fingers (ie with the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger) and then licking his fingers and ate container finish makan.Ka'ab bin Malik radi 'anhu said, "I saw the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam eating with three fingers , When he had finished eating, he lick. "(HR. Muslim) Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," If one of you finishes eating, then neither should he rubbed his fingers until he cleaned it with his mouth (licking) or menjilatkannya on others. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim)The point is menjilatkan on others who do not feel disgusted with it, for example when fed her son, or her husband.14. How to sit for makanRasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "I do not eat the lean." (HR. Bukhari) The point is that a serious sit down to eat. As for the hadith which states that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when occupying meal sitting with one leg and the other leg is straightened da'eef (weak). The truth is that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sat cross-legged (like sitting politely woman in Javanese tradition) while eating.15. If a fly falls in minumanNabi sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If a fly falls in the drink any one of you let him dip the fly then did he dispose of, because in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other wing there is an antidote. "(HR. Bukhari)16. Give thanks to Allah Ta'ala after makanTerdapat many ways grateful for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala has given to us, either by oral we always praise Allah Ta'ala after eating (prayer after meals). One prayer after eating that, "Praise hamdan katsiiran thayyiban mubaarakan feehi ghaira makfiyyin walaa muwadda'in walaa mustaghnan 'anhu rabbanaa." (Praise be to God the praises of the many and blessed, though not a sufficient praises and adequate and although not required by our Lord. ") (HR. Bukhari)17. The poor eat while standing and should not drink while standing, but it is more important while duduk.Dari Amir Ibn Shoaib from his father from his grandfather radi 'anhum, he said, "I saw the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam drink while standing and while sit down. "(HR. Tirmidhi, Hadith hasan saheeh) Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade a man drinking while standing. Qatadah radi 'anhu said, "We asked Anas,' If you eat? 'He replied,' It's worse-or worse again-. '" (HR. Muslim)18. Drink three times a gulp as he took a breather outside gelas.Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam drink as much as three times, the name of God in the beginning and praise God in the end. (HR.Ibnu As-Sunni in 'Amalul Yaumi wallailah (472)) If the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam drink, he breathed three times. He said, "How such a fresher, more delicious and more filling." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)Breathe in the glass is prohibited by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his saying, "If any one of you drink, do not he breathes in the glass." (HR. Bukhari)19. Pray before drinking the milk and rinse his mouth sesudahnya.Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If you drink milk then say,' cor barik fihi lana wa zidna minhu '(O Allah bless us in this milk and add to our more than it) because there was no food and drink is equivalent to milk. "(HR. Al-Bayhaqi in Syu'abul Faith (5957), assessed hasan by al-Albani in Sahih al-Jami '(381)) the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "If you drink milk then rinse kumurlah, because actually the milk leaves a sour taste in the mouth." (HR, Ibn Majah (499))20. It is advisable to talk during meals, not silence and quiet to enjoy the food as well as those Yahudi.Ishaq bin Ibrahim said, "Once upon a time I ate with Abu 'Abdillah (Imam Ahmad) and his companions. We were all silent and he (Imam Ahmad) while eating said, 'Alhamdulillah wa bismillah', then he said, 'Eat praising Allah Ta'ala is better than eating in silence.' "Hopefully this little useful and may Allah Almighty give convenience to us in practice what we know, because of the nature of science is charity itself. Wallahul muwaffiq.***Author: Um ShalihahArticles Muslimah.Or.IdReference:- Prayer and Wirid, Sa'id bin 'Ali bin Al-Qahthani Wahf, Library At-Tibyan, Solo.- Kitabul Adab, Fuad bin 'Abdul' aziz ash-Syalhubi, Daarul Qasim, Riyadh.- More than 1000 Amalan Sunnah in a Day Overnight, Khalid Al-Husainan, Reader Imam ash-Shafi'i.- Free Charity Day Overnight, Abu Ihsan al-Atsari, Pustaka Darul Ilmi, Bogor.- Riyadhus vol 2 Righteous, Imam An-Nawawi, Takhrij M.Nashiruddin Sheikh Al-Albani, Ambassador Sciences, Surabaya
