Word of Advice Islam
mu'mineen. Advice is a matter of very great for every Muslim. In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam make it as the
basic teachings of the religion, when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa
sallam said:"Religion is advice. "We said:" To whom, O Messenger of Allah? "The Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam said:" For God, for His Book, His Messenger, and the
imam of the Muslims and all Muslims. "[1]Brief Words, But Solid MeaningAdvice is concise words, but the meaning is implied. In language means sincere word of advice. Told نصحت العسل, meaning: I purify honey. [2,3]Imam
al-Khattabi rahimahullah said that word of advice is taken from lafadz
"nashahar-rajulu tsaubahu" (نصح الرجل ثوبه), that is to say, the man was
sewing her clothing. The scholars likened the act adviser who always wants the good of the
dinasihatinya, as a business man fixing his clothes were torn. [4]Case is Very ImportantAdvice is an important matter so that every Muslim must pay attention and do it to others. To the extent that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
take bai'at it and always commit ourselves to him because it is very
concerned about this advice.Narrated from Jarir radhiyallaahu'anhu: "I pledge allegiance (pledge
of allegiance) to of prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to uphold
prayers, practice regular charity, and give advice to every Muslim."
[5,6]Encourage you SemuslimProphet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to make a sincere advice to a Muslim as
part of their rights to be ditunaikannya by fellow Muslim brother. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:"The right of Muslims on other Muslims there are six: if you meet him then say hello to him; if he is invited, then fill invitation; if he asks for advice to you, then encourage it ... "[7]Providing legal adviceImam
Ibn Daqiq said that the law gives advice is fardhu kifayah, if there
are those who are eligible have to run, then fell off the obligations of
any other kind. And give advice must be tailored to the levels according to one's ability. [8]Adab-Adab in BernasihatHow
wonderful if among the Muslims know adab-adab in bernasihat, encourage
one another in goodness and love will arise ukhuwah high. The adab-adab in bernasihat by 'Abdul' Aziz bin as-Sayyid Fathi notes there are five manners, such as:First, True IntentionsLet
those who give advice to others meniatkannya solely Face expect Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala and seek reward and reward from Him. Therefore, the advice given to the Muslims to contain very great reward. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam himself think of it as the essence of religion, which in the words of his:"Religion is advice". [1]Similarly, counsel for God, for His Book and His Messenger. Meaning advice to His messenger is imitate and obey the Prophet in executing commands and avoid His prohibitions. All it shall be done for Allah ta'ala, sincere solely his face and expect a reward from Him, and seek His good pleasure. Thus, sincerity is a condition of receipt of deeds. [9,10]Secondly, Giving Advice to a Muslim Although UnsolicitedIt is the perfection of advice for fellow Muslim brother. If
you find it almost fell into an evil, foul syar'i, do something
memudharatkan himself, or any other act, then immediately admonish your
brother even though he did not ask for it. Thus it is not included sassy attitude, even perfection counsel and shape kepedualianmu him. Let the patient is also on the reaction is not good that you received from him. For example, he accused you as an outsider who loves to meddle, menudingmu intervene in matters that are not yours, or others. Because, in fact you do so only because they expect a reward from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. [10,15]Third, Finding the Best Way to Deliver AdviceBut know that every man, when reminded of the intent to strip her shame, ugliness and shortcomings then it is forbidden. However, if in it there are serious benefits to the Muslims in
particular with a view without sass then it is not a matter that is
prohibited, but is recommended. [11] Therefore, we must know the manner
appropriate to the person who counseled.On certain conditions, you can give advice to someone directly. However, sometimes the advice is delivered by providing examples of such deeds, whose purpose is to give advice. Therefore,
the delivery of advice vary depending on the state of the person who
counseled, as a small child, an adult, or a person who has a high
position in society. Not all means are suitable for everyone. [10]Fourth, Giving Advice General in Religion and World AffairsLet those who give advice to his fellow Muslims Gave in any affairs, religion and the world. That
is, in the cases that he knew or he is beneficial to the person's point
of view in matters of religion and dunianya.Kapan course you have the
opportunity or the opportunity to give advice to a fellow Muslim
brother, you shall not refrain from doing so. When you see it negligent in doing the obligatory religious practices for him, then give advice on the matter. If you see it fall into illicit case, then give advice to him to leave.When
you see it going to do anything of the affairs of the world and you see
that the beneficiaries him is away from the case and leave it, then
give it to him for advice. If you find it negligent in carrying out an affair that is beneficial to him, give him advice and remind her. So too other illustrations. Indeed obligatory upon every Muslim to love his fellow Muslims in all
matters that he likes for himself on the goodness of the world and the
hereafter. [10]Fifth, Concealing AdviceLet someone giving advice privately, not publicly, in the presence of others. Therefore,
people in general would not take advice when given in the presence of
others because it may embarrass or impressive humility and kehinaannya. Therefore, there will arise arrogance that caused it rejects the advice submitted [10]. Advice on the conditions equal to dismantle disgrace and this advice almost to convey the same sass. Salaf
and the scholars will hate commanding the good and forbidding the evil
deed with a form-lowered modestly in front of the crowd and loved when
giving advice in secret. [12]The advice given by secretly does not imply that way ,. Therefore, usually the person who advised him not receive if the advice is delivered openly. Undoubtedly people are advised not objected or pressured to accept this advice. So
that if someone receives an advice from people who want the goodness of
things from him in order to prevent prohibited, then he took it,
obedient, submissive and knowing the good advice then it is rather like
wanting kindness to those who counseled. [13]Imam Shafi'i in his verse says:Give me advice when I was alone,and stay away from giving advice in a crowdbecause counsel in the midst of men that included one typeharassment that I do not like to listen toif you menyelisihi and reject adviceyou must not be angry if you say I'm not comply [14
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