Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Advice in the hadith (Nasihat dalam hadits)

Advice in the hadith 

aihi wa sallam said in a hadith narrated by Abu Ruqoyyah Tamim bin Aus Ad-Daary somebody making anhu,أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: "الدين النصيحة". قلنا: لمن يا رسول الله? قال: "لله, و لكتابه, و لرسوله, و لأئمة المسلمين, و عامتهم.""Religion is advice". We asked: "To whom, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "For Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and for Muslims in general." (HR. Muslim)Meaning the hadithAl Khattabi said: Advice is a broad phrase meaning coverage. Its meaning is wishers of people who were given advice. It also said that word of advice is taken from a sentenceنصح الرجل ثوبه إذا خاطه(Man sewing clothes).Someone who gives advice likened to those who sew clothes because people who give advice to others is essentially a repair person advised, so people who sew clothes with holes (he fixing holes found on the clothes). (Ash-Syarhul Kabiir 'alal Arba'in an nawawiyyah, 183)Shaykh Salih Alu Shaykh said that advice with the meaning of "wishers of people who advised" is the meaning of the advice relates to the advice to the leaders of the Muslims and the Muslims in general.As for the meaning advice to the first three (ie Allah, His Book and His Messenger), then the meaning of the association between two things, one of which entitles the other. So there is no hostility between them.It is known also that a slave closer to his Lord in a way to meet all of his rights which is the duty of a servant. Similarly, in fulfilling the rights of the Qur'an as well as the rights of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. (Ash-Syarhul Kabiir 'alal Arba'in An Nawawiyyah, 629-630)The content of the hadithAdvice to Allah wa Ta'ala SubaanahuIn light of the above that the meaning of God is merapatnya advice to the relationship between a servant to God by a servant carrying out the rights of Allah whether it is mandatory or mustahab rights.As Sa'diy Shaikh explained that the meaning advice to Allah Ta'ala is a servant will understand the unity of God, clicking esakan God in perfect properties without any like Him from all sides, do worship Him either Zahir and mentally, always feel hope and fear accompanied by always repent and seek forgiveness. This is because the real servant certainly never underestimate anything of the obligations that God gave, or sometimes a servant fell on matters that are forbidden. With sincere repentance and forgiveness are constantly then will close its shortcomings and will enhance and charitable deeds. (Ash-Syarhul Kabiir 'alal Arba'in An Nawawiyyah, 187)Advice to KitabullahAs Sa'diy Shaikh explained that the advice to the Book of Allah is to memorize and mentadabburinya, learn lafadz-lafadz and its meaning, and earnest in practicing abortion. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir 'alal Arba'in An Nawawiyyah, 187)Advice to the ApostleAs Sa'diy Shaikh explained that the advice to the Apostle is with faith and love her, put Him than himself, his property or his son. Ittiba '(imitate) the Apostles in the case of subjects of religion and its branches case. Giving priority to the words of the Apostle other than human words and earnest in taking instructions from his instructions and in helping his religion. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir, 187)Advice to the leaders of the MuslimsShaykh Salih Alu Shaykh explained that the advice of the leader of the Muslims is to give them the rights which God has given to them, God has described in his books or who have been the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained in his Sunnah. Among these rights is to obey them in matters which ma'ruf, leaving obedience in the case of immoral, gathered by them in the right case and instructions and in case we know nothing immoral in it. And includes advice for them is to give advice to the meaning of reminding keasalahan-fault them. Ibn Daqiqil 'id say that this form of legal advice is fardhu kifayah, then if there are already some people who do it then fell off other obligations. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir, 633).Advice to the Muslims in generalShaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al 'Uthaymeen explained that the shape of advice to the Muslims in general is to reveal the love of them, revealed the face beaming, sending greetings, advising, mutual mutual help and other things that can bring serious benefits and eliminate mafsadat. (Ash-Syarhul Kabiir, 181)Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen said, Know that your words of one of the Muslims is not to be confused with yours against a leader. Your word against a dissident is not to be confused with yours against those who are still ignorant. Thus, there is every condition the words (as appropriate). So, give advice to the Muslims in general everything you can. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir, 181)Hopefully that little can provide benefits to authors and those who read it.Sallallaahu wa 'ala Alihi muhammadin wa' ala wa aalihi shahbihi ajma'in


Nasihat dalam Hadits 

aihi wa sallam bersabda dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Ruqoyyah Tamim bin Aus Ad-Daary radhiallahu ‘anhu,
أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال: “الدين النصيحة”. قلنا: لمن يا رسول الله؟ قال: “لله, و لكتابه, و لرسوله, و لأئمة المسلمين, و عامتهم .”
“Agama adalah nasihat”. Kami bertanya:  “Bagi siapa wahai Rasulullah?” Rasulullah menjawab: “Bagi Allah, kitab-Nya, Rasul-Nya, bagi para pemimpin kaum muslim dan bagi kaum muslim secara umum.” (HR. Muslim)
Makna hadits
Al Khaththabi mengatakan: Nasihat adalah sebuah kalimat yang luas cakupan maknanya. Maknanya adalah menghendaki kebaikan bagi orang yang diberi nasehat. Dikatakan pula bahwa kata nasihat diambil dari kalimat
نصح الرجل ثوبه إذا خاطه
(seorang laki-laki menjahit pakaiannya).
Seseorang yang memberi nasihat diserupakan dengan orang yang menjahit pakaian karena orang yang memberi nasehat kepada orang lain pada hakikatnya adalah memperbaiki orang yang dinasehati, demikian orang yang menjahit baju yang berlubang (ia memperbaiki lubang yang terdapat pada baju tersebut). (Asy-Syarhul Kabiir ‘alal arba’in an nawawiyyah, 183)
Syaikh Shalih Alu Syaikh mengatakan bahwa nasehat dengan makna “menghendaki kebaikan bagi orang yang dinasehati” adalah makna nasehat berkaitan dengan nasehat untuk para pemimpin kaum muslim dan kaum muslim secara umum.
Adapun makna nasehat kepada tiga yang pertama (yaitu kepada Allah, Kitab-Nya dan Rasul-Nya), maka maknanya jalinan hubungan antara dua hal, dimana yang satu memberikan hak kepada yang lainnya. Sehingga tidak ada permusuhan diantara keduanya.
Telah diketahui pula bahwa seorang hamba mendekatkan diri kepada Rabb-nya dengan cara memenuhi seluruh hak-hak-Nya yang merupakan kewajiban seorang hamba. Demikian pula dalam memenuhi hak-hak Al Qur’an maupun hak-hak Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. (Asy-Syarhul Kabiir ‘alal arba’in An Nawawiyyah, 629-630)
Kandungan hadits
Nasehat kepada Allah Subaanahu wa Ta’ala
Berkaitan dengan penjelasan di atas bahwa makna nasehat kepada Allah adalah merapatnya hubungan antara seorang hamba dengan Allah dengan cara seorang hamba melaksanakan hak-hak Allah baik itu berupa hak yang wajib maupun mustahab.
Syaikh As Sa’diy menjelaskan bahwa makna nasehat kepada Allah Ta’ala adalah seorang hamba memahami akan keesaan Allah, meng-esakan Allah dalam sifat-sifat yang sempurna tanpa adanya satupun yang menyerupai-Nya dari segala sisi, melakukan peribadahan kepada-Nya baik secara zahir maupun batin, selalu merasa harap dan takut disertai dengan selalu bertaubat dan istighfar. Hal ini karena sesungguhnya seorang hamba pasti pernah meremehkan sesuatu dari kewajiban-kewajiban yang Allah berikan atau terkadang seorang hamba terjatuh pada perkara yang diharamkan. Dengan taubat yang sungguh-sungguh dan istighfar yang terus menerus maka akan menutup kekurangan-kekurangannya dan akan menyempurnakan perbuatan dan amalnya.  (Asy-Syarhul Kabiir ‘alal Arba’in An Nawawiyyah, 187)
Nasehat kepada Kitabullah
Syaikh As Sa’diy menjelaskan bahwa nasehat kepada kitabullah adalah dengan menghafalnya dan mentadabburinya, mempelajari lafadz-lafadz dan makna nya, dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam mengamalkan kandungannya.  (Asy Syarhul Kabiir ‘alal arba’in An Nawawiyyah, 187)
Nasehat kepada Rasul
Syaikh As Sa’diy menjelaskan bahwa nasehat kepada Rasul adalah dengan mengimani dan mencintai-nya, mendahulukannya dibanding dirinya, hartanya maupun anaknya. Ittiba’ (meneladani) para Rasul dalam perkara pokok-pokok agama maupun perkara cabangnya. Mengutamakan perkataan Rasul dibanding perkataan manusia lain dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam mengambil petunjuk dari petunjuk-petunjuknya dan dalam menolong agamanya. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir, 187)
Nasehat kepada pemimpin kaum muslim
Syaikh Shalih Alu Syaikh menjelaskan bahwa nasehat bagi pemimpin kaum muslim adalah dengan memberikan hak-hak mereka yang telah Allah berikan kepada mereka, yang telah Allah jelaskan dalam kitab-kitab-Nya maupun yang telah Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam jelaskan dalam sunnah beliau. Di antara hak tersebut adalah mentaati mereka dalam perkara yang ma’ruf, meninggalkan ketaatan dalam perkara maksiat, berkumpul dengan mereka dalam perkara hak dan petunjuk dan pada perkara yang kita ketahui tidak ada kemaksiatan di dalamnya. Dan termasuk nasehat bagi mereka yaitu memberikan nasehat dengan makna mengingatkan keasalahan-kesalahan mereka. Ibnu Daqiqil ‘id berkata bahwa bentuk nasehat ini hukumnya adalah fardhu kifayah, maka jika sudah ada sebagian orang yang melakukannya maka gugurlah kewajiban yang lainnya. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir, 633).
Nasehat kepada kaum muslim secara umum
Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al ‘Utsaimin menjelaskan bahwa bentuk nasehat kepada kaum muslim secara umum adalah dengan menampakkan kecintaan kepada mereka, menampakkan wajah yang berseri-seri, menebarkan salam, menasihati, saling tolong-menolong dan hal-hal lain yang dapat mendatangkan maslahat dan menghilangkan mafsadat. (Asy-Syarhul Kabiir, 181)
Syaikh Al ‘Utsaimin berkata, Ketahuilah bahwa perkataanmu terhadap salah seorang kaum muslim tidaklah boleh disamakan dengan perkataanmu terhadap seorang pemimpin. Perkataanmu terhadap seorang pembangkang tidaklah boleh disamakan dengan perkataanmu terhadap orang yang masih bodoh. Maka, setiap kondisi orang ada perkataan (yang sesuai). Maka, berilah nasehat kepada kaum muslimin secara umum semampumu. (Asy Syarhul Kabiir, 181)
Semoga yang sedikit ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi penulis maupun orang-orang yang membacanya.
Wa shallallahu ‘ala nabiyyina muhammadin wa ‘ala aalihi wa shahbihi ajma’in

Word of advice Islam

 Word of Advice Islam

mu'mineen. Advice is a matter of very great for every Muslim. In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam make it as the basic teachings of the religion, when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:"Religion is advice. "We said:" To whom, O Messenger of Allah? "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:" For God, for His Book, His Messenger, and the imam of the Muslims and all Muslims. "[1]Brief Words, But Solid MeaningAdvice is concise words, but the meaning is implied. In language means sincere word of advice. Told نصحت العسل, meaning: I purify honey. [2,3]Imam al-Khattabi rahimahullah said that word of advice is taken from lafadz "nashahar-rajulu tsaubahu" (نصح الرجل ثوبه), that is to say, the man was sewing her clothing. The scholars likened the act adviser who always wants the good of the dinasihatinya, as a business man fixing his clothes were torn. [4]Case is Very ImportantAdvice is an important matter so that every Muslim must pay attention and do it to others. To the extent that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam take bai'at it and always commit ourselves to him because it is very concerned about this advice.Narrated from Jarir radhiyallaahu'anhu: "I pledge allegiance (pledge of allegiance) to of prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to uphold prayers, practice regular charity, and give advice to every Muslim." [5,6]Encourage you SemuslimProphet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to make a sincere advice to a Muslim as part of their rights to be ditunaikannya by fellow Muslim brother. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:"The right of Muslims on other Muslims there are six: if you meet him then say hello to him; if he is invited, then fill invitation; if he asks for advice to you, then encourage it ... "[7]Providing legal adviceImam Ibn Daqiq said that the law gives advice is fardhu kifayah, if there are those who are eligible have to run, then fell off the obligations of any other kind. And give advice must be tailored to the levels according to one's ability. [8]Adab-Adab in BernasihatHow wonderful if among the Muslims know adab-adab in bernasihat, encourage one another in goodness and love will arise ukhuwah high. The adab-adab in bernasihat by 'Abdul' Aziz bin as-Sayyid Fathi notes there are five manners, such as:First, True IntentionsLet those who give advice to others meniatkannya solely Face expect Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and seek reward and reward from Him. Therefore, the advice given to the Muslims to contain very great reward. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam himself think of it as the essence of religion, which in the words of his:"Religion is advice". [1]Similarly, counsel for God, for His Book and His Messenger. Meaning advice to His messenger is imitate and obey the Prophet in executing commands and avoid His prohibitions. All it shall be done for Allah ta'ala, sincere solely his face and expect a reward from Him, and seek His good pleasure. Thus, sincerity is a condition of receipt of deeds. [9,10]Secondly, Giving Advice to a Muslim Although UnsolicitedIt is the perfection of advice for fellow Muslim brother. If you find it almost fell into an evil, foul syar'i, do something memudharatkan himself, or any other act, then immediately admonish your brother even though he did not ask for it. Thus it is not included sassy attitude, even perfection counsel and shape kepedualianmu him. Let the patient is also on the reaction is not good that you received from him. For example, he accused you as an outsider who loves to meddle, menudingmu intervene in matters that are not yours, or others. Because, in fact you do so only because they expect a reward from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. [10,15]Third, Finding the Best Way to Deliver AdviceBut know that every man, when reminded of the intent to strip her shame, ugliness and shortcomings then it is forbidden. However, if in it there are serious benefits to the Muslims in particular with a view without sass then it is not a matter that is prohibited, but is recommended. [11] Therefore, we must know the manner appropriate to the person who counseled.On certain conditions, you can give advice to someone directly. However, sometimes the advice is delivered by providing examples of such deeds, whose purpose is to give advice. Therefore, the delivery of advice vary depending on the state of the person who counseled, as a small child, an adult, or a person who has a high position in society. Not all means are suitable for everyone. [10]Fourth, Giving Advice General in Religion and World AffairsLet those who give advice to his fellow Muslims Gave in any affairs, religion and the world. That is, in the cases that he knew or he is beneficial to the person's point of view in matters of religion and dunianya.Kapan course you have the opportunity or the opportunity to give advice to a fellow Muslim brother, you shall not refrain from doing so. When you see it negligent in doing the obligatory religious practices for him, then give advice on the matter. If you see it fall into illicit case, then give advice to him to leave.When you see it going to do anything of the affairs of the world and you see that the beneficiaries him is away from the case and leave it, then give it to him for advice. If you find it negligent in carrying out an affair that is beneficial to him, give him advice and remind her. So too other illustrations. Indeed obligatory upon every Muslim to love his fellow Muslims in all matters that he likes for himself on the goodness of the world and the hereafter. [10]Fifth, Concealing AdviceLet someone giving advice privately, not publicly, in the presence of others. Therefore, people in general would not take advice when given in the presence of others because it may embarrass or impressive humility and kehinaannya. Therefore, there will arise arrogance that caused it rejects the advice submitted [10]. Advice on the conditions equal to dismantle disgrace and this advice almost to convey the same sass. Salaf and the scholars will hate commanding the good and forbidding the evil deed with a form-lowered modestly in front of the crowd and loved when giving advice in secret. [12]The advice given by secretly does not imply that way ,. Therefore, usually the person who advised him not receive if the advice is delivered openly. Undoubtedly people are advised not objected or pressured to accept this advice. So that if someone receives an advice from people who want the goodness of things from him in order to prevent prohibited, then he took it, obedient, submissive and knowing the good advice then it is rather like wanting kindness to those who counseled. [13]Imam Shafi'i in his verse says:Give me advice when I was alone,and stay away from giving advice in a crowdbecause counsel in the midst of men that included one typeharassment that I do not like to listen toif you menyelisihi and reject adviceyou must not be angry if you say I'm not comply [14

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Inspiring story The Blind Children Memorize the Quran

 Inspiring story The blind Children Memorize the Qur'an

Able to memorize the Qur'an well is a gift of God that is truly priceless, and certainly not everyone in the world are given the gift of this kind. Memorizing the Qur'an It is not easy, not difficult and can be done by anyone, regardless of age and any profession, not a factor or reason that makes memorize the Koran it becomes difficult. Toddlers, children, adolescents and parents can all memorize the Koran. To the extent that a blind or can not see can do. This is what happened to a blind boy who came to Egypt this.Here's the story of a blind child inspirational Hafiz Al-Quran called Mu'adh. He is a child born out of luck like any other normal human being. This child was born in a condition can not see (blind). As the blind, he could not do much, limited by the inability to see. However, although there are unique blind in these children, it turns out Mu'adh have successfully memorized the Qur'an complete 30 chapters. From the beginning he did it (memorizing) with patience, and driven by high motivation. Until the age of 11 years he managed menghatamkan recitation of the Qur'an. Something that not everyone can do it, by normal humans though.Inspiring story of a blind child who Hafiz Al-QuranReaders, perhaps those of us who have been given favor by God's vision considers the eyes are the windows to the world. Without it, life was not complete and perfect. Just imagine, if earlier we can see (normal vision turns out ultimately doomed na'udzubillah blind, what happens? We certainly grieve and suffer because they can not see anymore. However, for Mu'adh he had never been sad even complained to the top This natural pain. Indeed, he was grateful to God for the fate and condition right now. That's his show to memorize the Qur'an.Physical limitations do not make unobstructed to memorize the Qur'an. The child considers that this takdirinya (blind) becomes a way for him to be able to memorize the Qur'an.In a vidoe recording TV show hosted by an imam of the mosque, the Sheikh Fahd Al-Kandari, was interviewed Mu'adh. Asked how he could memorize the Koran in this condition. His passion for memorizing the verses of God's glorious light made her steps to go to the teacher. And there was a dialogue between the sheikh of Al-Kandari and Mu'adh."I'm coming to a sheikh," said Mu'adh."How many times a week?" Asked the sheikh."Three days a week," he said."In the beginning only one day in a week. Then I urged him (Shaykh) with very order to add the next, so that it becomes two days a week. Shaykh I was very strict in teaching. He taught only one verse every day, "sambungya. "One verse alone?" Said he was shocked, amazed by the spirit of this child steel.In the three days that he was dedicated to learning the holy verses of the Qur'an, there is no time out to play with peers. The TV announcer smiled and patted the boy's thigh amazed sign, greeted by a cheery smile of this child. The more admirable in that dialog is Mu'adh statement about blindness. He did not pray to God that God will restore his sight, but the grace of Allah that he expected. Read also: Tips Memorizing the Koran From Hafiz Twins 3. "In prayer, I do not ask God to Allah restore my vision," the boy said.Answer This makes the sheikh's son getting shocked. "You do not want God to restore your eyesight? Why? "He asked astonished, as if not sure. With a reassuring face, the boy explained the reason. Not that he did not believe in God, not. But he wanted more than just a beautiful sight."May be a salvation for me on the Day of Judgment (Judgment), so that God relieve the calculation (computation) on that day. Later when they stand before, fear and trembling, God favors inquire about vision and he will ask "what have you done in this Qur'an?" I just pray that God relieve his calculations for me on the last day later, "he said firmly. See also: How to Strengthen Memory Of Ta'lim Al- Kitab Muta'allim.Of course, after hearing the sentence the child noble, all that is in the studio when it was silent. TV broadcasters seem glazed, unstoppable finally the tears also. The audience at TV stations and the TV crew also could not bear finally tears."At this moment, I am reminded of many of the Muslims who are able to see but lazing in memorizing the book of Allah, Al-Quran. O God, how they reason tomorrow (before you)? "Said Sheikh Fahd Al-Kanderi. "Praise be to God in all circumstances," said Al-Quran penghafal young. Subhanallah, he never forgot his rabb. The child also said that he was inspired from the rule of Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah rahimahullah."Rule imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah who say" God does not close upon His servants the door with wisdom, but God will open the door with him two of his mercy, '"he said.Loss of vision since childhood, did not make it to complain to the Creator. He did not envy in others much less kufr favors. Ikhlash receive takdirNya. "Thank God, I do not envy his friends since childhood even though I could not see. These are all making up 'and Qadr Allah, "he said. See also: Prayers For Strong Memory."We pray to God may make us as people of Paradise of Al-Firdaus highest," said the boy who memorized the Koran. Blind eyes, does not make him blind in grateful that God has given. Subhanallah ...In a Qudsi hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi respectfully said: God said, "If I test my servant by removing both eyes and his vision to be patient, surely I will replace her eyes with a vision of heaven." (HR. Bukhari no. 5653, Tirmidhi no. 2932, Ahmad no. 7597, Ad-Darimi no.2795 and Ibn Hibbaan no. 2932).That's inspiring story of blind children Hafiz Al-Quran, a strong willingness to be able to memorize the Koran as if made him forget that he is a child who is blind. He considers his physical limitations have not become a barrier for him to be able to achieve its goal of being a Hafiz or penghafal Koran. He is fully aware that whatever is given by God in this world in the Hereafter will be held accountable. Then he never wasted time at all, she always enjoyed her days reading the Koran until he behasil memorize it. See also: Easy Ways Memorizing the Quran.Inspiring story of a blind child who Hafiz Al-Quran above is one proof that the Koran was easy, and the Koran is easy to memorize, easy for anyone, not least by us. That is, whoever we basically only memorize the Koran.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

Problema haid in girl muslim

Larangan Bagi Wanita yang Haid 

Wanita yang haid itu tidak melakukan 10 perkara yaitu : 
  1. Sholat
  2. tawaf 
  3. menyentuh mushaf / Al-Qur'an 
  4.membawa mushaf / Al-Qur'an
  5. berdiam di masjid
  6. membaca Al-Qur'an 
  7. Puasa 
  8. talak (cerai)
  9. lewat di dalam masjid apabila kuatir mengotori masjid  
10.  menikmati bagian tubuh antara puasa dan lutut 
Prohibition for women who menstruate
 The woman who menstruation is not doing 10 cases, namely:
   1. Prayer
   2. tawaf
   3. touched Manuscripts / Al-Quran
   4.membawa Manuscripts / Al-Quran
   5. dwells in moquse
   6. read Al-Quran
   7. Fasting
   8. divorce (divorce)
   9. pass inside the mosque when the worry fouled mosque
10. enjoy the part of the body between fasting and knees

للمرأة التي حظر الطمث

المرأة التي الحيض لا تفعل 10 حالات، وهي:
   1. الصلاة
   2. الطواف
   3. تطرق مخطوطات / آل القرآن
   4. مخطوطات حمل / آل القرآن
   5. يسكن في المساجد
   6. قراءة سورة القرآن
  7. الصوم
   8. الطلاق (الطلاق)
   9. تمريرة داخل المسجد والقلق عرقلة مسجد
10. الاستمتاع جزء من الجسم بين الصيام والركبتين

  Regl kadınlar için yasak
 Menstruasyon yani 10 olgu yapmıyor kadın:
   1. Namaz
   2. Tavaf
   3. Elyazmaları / Al-ı Kerim dokundu
   4.membawa Yazılar / Al-ı Kerim
   Camilerde 5. bekleme
   6. Al-Kur'an okumak
   7. Oruç
   8. Talak (boşanma)
   Endişe cami faul caminin içinde 9. geçiş
10. oruç ve dizler arasında vücudun parçası zevk